Sunday 12 April 2009

Show the post on daily Inspired templates

by Novan D. Cahyono 6 comments

How to show the post on daily Inspired templates ?

My friends Devika has mailed me, he asked about how to show the post, not just headlines, and adding read more (like i'm using now). a lot of my friend ask this questions about it too, in my inbox, and it's true that the most difficult, is to show up the post because Antonio had removed post text. Almost people use easier template, but i think it is unique. fresh and not crowded too. so, i want to share my tutorial this time,modifying this template. and yes, if you have familiarity with HTML, CSS and Blogger you will easy to understand.

Before to make changes on your actual Blogger template, save a copy of your template. In chase, if something go wrong with the update, you can restore it.

Show up the post

Now you just concentrate in this code [ <p><data:post.body/></p> ] in the post body, the problem is where you can place it to show up, this is the solving.

take a look ! ( use firefox for easier finding the source)

<div class='post-body-n'>
<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->

Copy that code, and paste it above this source

<!-- IF NOT HOME -->

So if you wanna implement some changes, for example : adding the read more /continue reading / etc. You just follow my other tutorials in blogger hack category. i have posted it earlier.

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Labombin said...

THANK YOU! I have been trying to figure this one out!

Anonymous said...

I cannot put the puzzle together..

Please post the whole part of that code with the Daily Inspired template.

Regards, Pi.

NoVan said...

Hi Pi,
i hv explained the simple way there. Read carefully again!
Just copy n pste.

Fluffy said...

man...u r wrds.....
Thnks a lot for this post....

Ezri Isa said...

Hi Novan,

I was succeed adding the code you provide here and the result was pretty good. But the problem is my Tags link,Footer comment and 'Share This Post' link also does not appear.

I'd try to figure it out but it turn to error...

( I just want the 'If Not Home' contents to be in front of my blog page )...How can i do that buddy?

Novan said...

I'm sorry if it was to late for replying, but u can read my new content, understanding post body code blogger template ........., there are altogether i know till this moment,,

note: for resolving there are 2; main page n not at home, so if u want to appear yours. Just make a double(copy paste the code like tag, share this post, etc).


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